When I first started using Video Marketing as a means to connect with and give value to my followers and subscribers, I was terrified!

I probably recorded my first video like 15 times until I finally mustered up the courage to upload it.

I didn’t know what to talk about, what equipment to use, how to upload videos or anything like that. So what did I do? I invested in a Video Marketing course…duh. This gave me the courage to know the process in which to get started as well as how to use Video Marketing to grow my business, which is the main objective.

In fact, my first sale online was from someone who clicked on an ad of mine, then hopped over to Youtube to learn more about me. She felt comfortable enough to call me after learning more about me from my videos. How cool is that?!

How would you like to have people calling you and chasing you down, eager to join your business and/or buy your products and services?

Watch this “mini-series” I created on 13 Secrets to Video Marketing Mastery to discover how you can begin using video to transform your life and business.

p.s. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to this blog to receive all 13 secrets in real-time!  Also, leave a comment letting me know some of your own proven tips and tricks.  Let’s ALL share, this is a safe community of sharing value and supporting one another:-)
